
Cambodia is home to the incredible Angkor Wat, Kulen Waterfall and many more man-made and natural wonders! With its bustling cities, vibrant nightlife and rich history, Cambodia offers a diverse travelling experience. 

About Cambodia

Cambodia is a country of fascinating contrasts. On its exterior lie the majestic Angkor Wat temple complex, sleepy beaches, and bustling capital Phnom Penh. Outside of the capital, Siem Reap has quickly become a backpacker favourite for its mixture of culture, nightlife, food and drink, and easy access to more natural wonders. It’s from here you’ll visit Angkor Wat, an ancient city and the largest religious monument in the world. Siem Reap’s food culture is not to be missed, with food tours and markets to experience authentic Cambodian cuisine. Pub Street is exactly what it sounds like, with parties all day and night. Leaving behind the noise of the city, you can unwind at the sacred sites of Kulen Mountain.

But delve beyond the surface and you’ll find Cambodia’s history, encompassing some of the greatest achievements of civilisation, and some of its darkest moments. During the 1970s, years of political and ethnic persecution saw over 20% of the population lose their lives. No trip would be complete without further understanding the devastating events of this period, and how their effects are still rippling across Cambodian society. Cambodia is still recovering from the events of the 20th century, which has held it back developmentally compared to other countries in the region.

Our Challenges Abroad projects will take you to Battambang City, the second largest city in the country. Home to 150,000 people, the French colonial architecture stands out among the Buddhist temples and Hindu statues. Surrounded by vibrant rice paddies, Battambang is one of the lesser visited places in Cambodia.

Our work is focused in the Ek Phnom district, in the countryside north of the city. We work with rural communities, where the majority of people live below the poverty line. Your trip with Challenges Abroad will make an impact in 10 local villages, where the tourism infrastructure and development of the cities have not yet reached. During your time here, you’ll play a vital part in supporting these communities to rebuild and grow.

Key Information

Bordered by : Thailand, Vietnam and Laos

Population : 17.1 Million People

Language : Khmer

Currency : Cambodia Riel or USD

Call us on +44 (0) 1635 88 93 93 to speak with one of our team and join our community of Global Citizens

Your Opportunities In Cambodia

Program Type

Cambodia: Social Impact in the Community

Programme Type: Global Challenge

Duration: 4 weeks

Location: Cambodia

Programme Fee: £1,795

Cambodia: Health and Wellbeing Challenge

Programme Type: Global Challenge

Duration: 4 weeks

Location: Cambodia

Programme Fee: £1,795

How To Get Involved

1-2 Week Challenges

Make a sustainable impact

Short-term programmes to make an impact leading activities in local communities.

Take part in one of our 1-2 Week Global Challenges and embark on an incredible adventure, where you can make a real difference! Learn about international development and make an impact on our long term goals and objectives.

Call us on +44 (0) 1635 88 93 93 to speak with one of our team and join our community of Global Citizens

The FutureSense
Foundation In Cambodia

Cambodia has a tragic past and is still struggling to regain what it lost. But it is also an incredible country full of resilient people who believe in their nation and are working to see change. We are excited to partner with that mission by engaging our communities with information and resources that will allow them better opportunities within their education, health and livelihoods.
Challenges Abroad team member hugging a child in Cambodia
Future Sense Foundation volunteer - Challenges Abroad

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