You can sign up to this programme by paying a £195 deposit. Please confirm your selection below.
You can sign up to this programme by paying a £100 deposit. Please confirm your selection below.
Once you submit your registration and pay your registration fee, you will be redirected toward your Crowdfunding page on where you can signup to crowdfund with the everyone on your programme!
The terms and conditions set out below form the basis of a participant’s relationship with Challenges Abroad Limited (“CA”), the Charity for whom they have chosen to raise funds (“the Charity”), and the tour operator for their chosen challenge. For clarity the definitions of the role of each party are explained below:
“Participant(s)” or “Individual(s)”– refers to the individual who will take part in the Challenge Event and fundraise for the Charity. Individuals must be at least 18 years of age in order to make a booking and enter into this contract.
“Charity” – refers to the participant’s chosen charity or the FutureSense Foundation. “Fundraising target” – refers to the amount set by the charity for the individual to raise in order to participate in their chosen challenge.
“Tour Operator” – refers to the travel company the Charity uses to make ground arrangements on the participants behalf for their challenge event.
“Trip Cost(s)” – refers to the sum of the programme costs as specified in the participant’s itinerary and includes the ground services and any flight arrangements if required and as provided in the itinerary by the tour operator as well or flight provider.
1. Challenges Abroad Services CA facilitates the raising of funds for charities by arranging overseas volunteering and adventure trips as specified in the participant’s itinerary. Individuals joining a challenge to raise monies for the nominated charity must raise at least the minimum fundraising target applicable to their chosen trip. The trip cost is paid by the charity out of the participant’s Fundraising Target. The trip cost will be no more than 50% of the participant’s fundraising target (excluding any surcharges), and the remaining fundraised monies are kept by the charity concerned.
CA provides preparation documents to participants, these include a Welcome Pack, Packing and Reading List, Country Information, Briefing Pack, and a Health & Safety Manuel. It also arranges a Pre-Departure briefing in-person or remotely via video conference or telephone.
CA works with tour operators to plan the itinerary for the challenges offered many months in advance. While CA designs challenge itineraries in consultation with tour operators, occasionally the tour operators may have to make changes to proposed itineraries either before or after bookings have been confirmed. CA will liaise on the participants behalf with the tour operators to ensure that such changes are minor and that all programmes run as scheduled. It does however recognise the need to make such changes and reserves the right to allow programme amendments if it feels the changes will be beneficial to the group or in the interest of safety. In such cases CA will endeavour to inform the participant of any changes as soon as possible.
Any problems/complaints with an individual’s programme during the challenge should be resolved by prior discussions with the tour operator or the nominated local representative whilst overseas or by getting in touch with our support team in the UK. If the participant feels that their problem has not been adequately dealt with, they should contact the CA UK support team for assistance. If the participant remains unsatisfied with the resolution provided they may send a written complaint to the CA office in Newbury, UK. This letter should be sent no later than 14 days after the return of the trip in order for CA to effectively investigate and respond to the complaint. Letters of complaint will normally be acknowledged within 3 working days, and a response sent as soon as relevant details of the complaint have been procured.
2. Tour arrangements The participant recognises that for fundraising challenges the charity will be paying the trip costs from the fundraising monies raised. In this connection participants accept that:
2.1. The charity will be acting on behalf of the participant in arranging and making tour arrangements. 2.2. The charity will arrange to make payments on behalf of the participant for the tour arrangements as required, including any booking deposits to reserve their spot. However final payments to confirm their participation will only be made once the minimum fundraising target has been met by the participant. 2.3. CA will share the details, provided by the participant at the time of registration, with the charity, the tour operator and or any third party selected to make arrangements for the smooth running of the challenge event. 2.4. If the participant would like to make a change to the details, they have provided at the time of registration they will have until the first fundraising deadline to amend these details. After this date, arrangements will be made based upon the details provided and the participant may incur a £100 charge for any subsequent changes that are required to be made. 2.5. The participants will also receive from the charity a final balance confirmation showing the total donation once the trip costs have been paid.
3. Participant obligations Travel Documents It is the participant’s responsibility to ensure that the following actions are complied with prior to the trip:
• They have a passport valid for at least 6 months prior to the start of their trip and appropriate entry documents (see Visa below). • They have had the necessary inoculations (including COVID vaccinations as required for travel or local country entry), within the appropriate time frame as recommended by a healthcare professional. • They have obtained appropriate comprehensive travel insurance cover. • They have obtained appropriate DBS or PVG check clearance. • They have obtained Fit to Travel clearance if required due to medical conditions. Visa (and immigration formalities) The participant is responsible for their own travel documents and must check the same to ensure that all necessary procedures are adhered to and that they reflect their travel arrangements. CA do not accept any liability for financial loss incurred by failure to have the correct travel documentation.
The relevant High Commission, Embassy or Border Immigration issues visas at their discretion and CA cannot be held responsible for the type, duration or endorsements and restrictions.
Code of Conduct While taking part in an overseas challenge event the participant accepts that they will be perceived as representatives of Challenges Abroad and the charity and agree to adhere to local laws and customs regarding their behaviour and conduct. Participants will be required to sign a Code of Conduct which they agree to abide with while on their programme.
CA reserve the right to dismiss from the programme any participant who is deemed to be a danger to themselves or others, or whose conduct is deemed to be detrimental to the programme or other participants. In the event of this case, CA cannot be held responsible for any costs incurred by the participant and no fees will be refunded.
4. Fees and Payments The fee for the trip consists of two parts: the ‘Registration Fee’ and the ‘Fundraising Target’. The Registration fee may be payable in instalments at the time of booking and is non-refundable subject to a 72 hours ‘cooling off’ period as explained below in Clause 6. The fundraising target is set by the Charity and includes the trip cost, as well as a donation to the Charity.
i. The participant must pay the Registration Fee direct to CA at the time of booking.
ii. If the participant cancels their registration within 72 hours of the initial Registration Fee being paid then this may be refunded to them and the subsequent instalment will not be charged. If the participant cancels their registration after the 72-hour period, the first instalment of the Registration Fee is non-refundable and the subsequent instalment will be charged automatically from their chosen payment method.
iii. The participants place on the Challenge will not be confirmed until they have paid the registration fee in full and their place maybe cancelled if their payments are not received as scheduled. In such a situation, the participant will not receive a refund for payments made.
iv. Donations made towards the participant’s fundraising target must be paid direct to the Charity. The participant must meet their fundraising target as per the fundraising schedule provided, with their full fundraising target met no less than 8 weeks prior to the commencement of their trip.
v. The participant must book on to the trip in their own name. The participant, may not under circumstances, substitute another person in their place on any trip.
vi. The Charity shall pay the trip cost as required prior to the commencement of the trip, provided the Charity has received sufficient amounts to cover the trip cost from the participant.
vii. If the participant wishes to pay the trip cost themselves (as opposed to this being paid for by the Charity out of the Fundraising Target) they can do so. In this case the trip cost must be paid directly to the tour operator no less than 8 weeks prior to the commencement of the trip.
The participant agrees that any gift aid that the charity receives will not form part of their fundraising total.
If the participant is unable to reach their Fundraising Target by the set date or dates, as provided in the fundraising schedule, it is at the discretion of CA and/or the Charity for which they are fundraising to provide them with the following options:
1. Ask they to pay the deficit of the fundraising target themselves to meet the specified amounts by the deadline dates provided in the fundraising schedule.
2. Transfer to a later departure to allow them more time to continue to raise the deficit funds.
3. Any other arrangement can be made at the discretion of CA and the Charity.
4. If none of these options are available, then this will be considered a cancellation by the participant and will be subject to the clause 6. below.
If the participant is concerned about raising the minimum fundraising target by the scheduled dates, they must contact CA and the Charity to inform them as soon as possible.
Please also note that CA reserves the right, by giving notice to the participant any time before departure, to increase the fees to reflect an increase in costs, caused by factors outside our control. The participant is entitled, within five days of receiving our advice of such an increase, to cancel by means of a registered letter, that part of the services to which the increase applies.
Any changes to the programme instigated by the participant require approval by CA and will attract an administration fee of £100, in addition to third party costs.
5. Costs and surcharge The fundraising target for the participant’s selected challenge event is based upon a budgeted trip cost relevant to the challenge destination.
A surcharge may be applicable to allow for changes in costs by any government action including but not limited to new or increased taxes such as VAT, or in changes in embarkation or disembarkation fees, airport taxes, fuel surcharges, or to allow for fluctuations in applicable exchange rates. Under these circumstances, CA reserves the right to increase the cost of the challenge, which may result in a change to the participant’s Fundraising Target.
Even in the above cases, only if the amount of the increase in costs exceeds 2% of the Trip Costs (excluding insurance premiums and any amendment charges), will CA levy a surcharge. If any such surcharge is greater than 10% of the Trip Costs (excluding insurance premiums and any amendment charges), the participant will be entitled to cancel their booking unless discretionary options set out in clause 4 above are offered and accepted. All cancellations are subject to Clause 6 below.
6. Extension Trip The participant may be offered the opportunity to participate in an extension trip. To secure their place on this trip they will be required to pay a non-refundable Booking Fee to CA.
All extension trips are operated by selected travel providers, who will invoice the participant for the extension trip along with relevant payment information. The payment will be split into two parts, a non-refundable deposit, and a balance payment.
If the participant cancels up to 12 weeks before departure, monies will be refunded minus the deposit, charges and any third-party costs incurred or will incur. Any cancellation by the participant thereafter will not be entitled to a refund of any monies paid.
7. Cancellation CA requires the participant to pay a Registration Fee, either in full or in agreed instalments to book a place on a CA programme. This enables CA to process their booking and provide them the services outlined in clause 1. CA provides a 72 hour ‘cooling off’ period after which the registration fee is non-refundable. If the participant chooses to pay in instalments the first instalment will be non-refundable and they will still be liable for the subsequent instalment(s) which will be charged automatically from their chosen method of payment.
The participant must meet their fundraising target as per the fundraising schedule provided, with their full Fundraising Target met no less than 8 weeks prior to the commencement of their trip. Participants must be aware that any charity is bound by the UK Charity law to safeguard the funds donated to the charity. All donations made in relation to the participant’s fundraising target are therefore ineligible for refunds even if the participant does not participate in the challenge event, for any reason.
All participants in this context agree to make donors aware that they are making an irrevocable donation to the charity when soliciting sponsorship.
The individual’s participation in the challenge event is dependent on reaching a minimum fundraising target by a set date or dates (given to them by CA and/or the Charity upon booking). If the participant fails to reach the minimum fundraising target in the required time frame, CA or the Charity reserve the right to treat this as a cancellation by the participant unless discretionary options set out in clause 4 are offered.
If the participant chooses to leave the programme early, for any reason, no amounts will be refunded.
Deferral The participant may choose to defer their trip to the following calendar year. If they are on a fundraising challenge, the Charity may allow them to carry-over any monies raised and count these monies toward their fundraising target for a trip departing in the calendar year following the one in which their trip was originally due to take place.
The participant may defer at any time from registration up until 8 weeks prior to departure. All deferrals are subject to a £200 deferral fee payable to CA. CA will hold any Registration Fees and/or extension trip payments in credit against the participants deferred trip. If the participant defers to a trip with a lower Registration Fee and/or a lower Fundraising Target they will not be entitled to refund from either CA or the Charity.
The participant’s deferral will not be confirmed until CA have received payment of the deferral fee. Once CA have received the deferral fee the participant will be issued with a discount code, which will enable them to register for a trip in the following calendar year. The participant must have registered for their deferred trip no later than the 1st of January in the calendar year in which their deferred trip takes place. Failure to register with the code before this date will lead to the forfeiture of all monies paid to CA and the Charity and the loss of their right to register for a deferred trip with CA.
The participant may not defer more than once. If they choose to defer but then do not participate in a trip in the following calendar year, then they forfeit all monies paid to CA and the Charity.
8. Minimum Numbers All trips are subject to a minimum number of participants. Should a trip not reach the minimum number of participants CA will inform the participant at least 10 weeks prior to departure. In this instance CA will: -
a) Suggest an alternative trip or departure for the participant to transfer to.
b) Offer the option, if possible, for the participant to travel alone or in a smaller group – cost may vary.
In a situation where neither of the above options are possible and the trip is cancelled due to minimum numbers not having been met (not including any circumstance outlined in clause 10) CA will provide a full refund of the Registration Fee and any other payments made to CA. All cancellations will be subject to clause 7.
9. Health and safety The participant accepts that most challenges involve hazards, require physical fitness, and often take place in underdeveloped countries or rural locations. These challenges have inherent risks and while CA will ensure that the trips are organised in a manner that minimises risk, the participant acknowledges that by booking onto a CA challenge they accept this inherent risk and take responsibility to ensure they have the required physical fitness and training for the trip. CA expect that any safety equipment provided is worn correctly at all times and any instructions provided by guides and other local representatives are adhered to at all times.
The participant is required to declare any specialised health, medical or dietary requirements at the time of booking.
The participant acknowledges that travelling independently and outside the pre-set itinerary, before, during and after their programme is entirely at their own risk and choosing to operate any motorised vehicles, obtaining the necessary license, permission and insurance is their own responsibility. CA do not accept responsibility for any loss or injury (including, without limitation, loss of personal property, illness, death or personal injury) suffered by the participant, which is caused by a third party that is unconnected to CA, or results from any programme or component of travel which has not been arranged by CA.
Whilst CA recognises that it has a duty of care to ensure participants are safe, participants take part in all programmes at their own risk. CA cannot accept responsibility for participants health & safety whilst in the host country or for any loss or damage to property or any third parties’ property or persons howsoever caused.
Notwithstanding this, CA does not seek to exclude or limit any liability for death or personal injury caused by negligence on its part or for any other loss or damage for which it is legally prohibited to exclude or restrict liability.
CA and any representative third parties reserve the right to prevent or curtail a participant’s involvement in an event for the safety of the event and all participants.
10. Force Majeure Neither party shall be liable to the other for any delay or non-performance of its obligations in respect of our agreement arising from any cause beyond its reasonable control including, without limitation, any industrial dispute, acts of God, fire, natural disasters, pandemics, weather conditions, computer or system failure, acts of war (declared or otherwise), terrorism, civil unrest, military or usurped power, confiscation by or under the order of any government or public local authority or for any reason beyond our control. CA are not liable for refunds for loss or costs incurred following actions such as cancelling or prematurely ending any or all elements of the trip as a result of any of the above-mentioned reasons or advice from governmental or other official bodies.
Where force majeure results in the cancellation of the programme, the participants Registration Fee will be non-refundable. CA will do its best to find a suitable alternative in any such event.
11. General The participant hereby grants a royalty free, non-exclusive license in favour of CA in respect of all images captured or of any correspondence received by CA from them during or after the placement (in whatever format). Such license shall be granted in perpetuity and shall confer the right on CA to reproduce all or any of such images or correspondence in whole or in part for use in any advertisement or promotional material of CA as it see fit.
CA recognise that participants privacy is of vital importance. CA endeavour to protect all user’s information through compliance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation), the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Electronic Communications Regulations 2003. The participant agrees to allow CA to transfer any personal data held by CA about them to the placement host or homestay family.
CA will access the participants personal data fairly and lawfully in accordance with the principles of the Data Protection Act 1998 for the sole purpose of continuing to provide the services to the participant as well as the EU 2016 GDPR regulations. Please see our privacy policy.
CA shall be permitted to assign fully its rights and obligations in respect of its agreement with the participant and to subcontract any of its obligations. The participant shall not assign any of their rights or obligations under this agreement without the prior written consent of CA.
Any advice or recommendation given by CA or its employees or agents to the participant that is not confirmed in writing by CA is followed or acted upon entirely at the participant’s own risk. CA is not therefore liable for any such advice or recommendation, which is not so confirmed in writing. These conditions shall not confer any benefit or right of action on any third party and the provisions of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 and any subsequent or supplementary or modifying legislation are hereby excluded to the fullest extent possible by law.
Neither party shall be liable to the other for any delay or non-performance of its obligations in respect of its agreement arising from any cause beyond its reasonable control including, without limitation, any industrial dispute, act of God, governmental act, war, fire, flood, explosion, or civil commotion. The affected party so delaying shall promptly notify the other party in writing of the cause and the likely duration of the cause.
If any provision of these conditions is held by any competent authority to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part the validity of all other provisions of these conditions and the remainder of the provisions in question shall not be affected and shall remain in force. The laws of England and Wales shall govern these Terms and Conditions, and any dispute arising shall be determined by the Courts within that jurisdiction.